You will also find the links below in my ALL ABOUT YUE LING > LINKS site, but for your convenience, I am repeating them all in here. If you know of any new Yang Heroines sites, please E-Mail me.

Click on the title and a new window will open.

# Yang Heroines Official Site : You will find some info in here, plus some pictures, wallpapers and you can watch this series online as well. CHINESE.

# Phimhongkong : If you can't see anything online, why not download all the episodes? Each file size is about 200mb, and if you have cable connection, the download time is about 1-2 hours. You can even burn the series into VCDs. But first you must download the VCR program that you can find in the link I am giving you, or if you have your own favourite software/program like Websnatcher, you can simply copy the direct URLs to download the series, all URLs provided in this site. 

# Sina Yue Ling Fan Club : Lots and lots of promotional pictures for this series, all taken from various sources and all of which can be found in this site of mine. Also the biggest online collection of Yue Ling latest pictures, most taken from Yue Ling's Homepage. But definitely worth a visit. To download the materials in Sina, you need to be a member first. Unfortunately, everything is in CHINESE. Fortunate for you, I am providing 2 great options.

So for your convenience and for all those who knows zero Chinese, you have 2 options (choose only one); 

1. Apply for your own member account using the English form in Sina at this direct link;

2. Use the following usernames and passwords that I have created, once you log into Sina. I don't normally use these usernames or passwords for my other accounts, and so safe to say you could give out these usernames and passwords. I hope you don't log on and change anything. These passwords are for those who knows zero Chinese.

a) Username (the first box in the top frame next to the words "Clubstar") : ebuzztv
     Password (the box next to the Username box) : yueling


b) Username : ebuzztv1
     Password : yueling

Remember to click the gray button with the words "...FanClubs" when you're done typing and wait. Once you see my name in the same top frame, you're in and just click away. As a pointer, all the sites within Sina are the same. For example :-

Scroll down to the second panel with an orange coloured divider, where you'll find a smiling Yue Ling, with some links, names of people who uploaded the materials and the date they uploaded it. Those are latest additions which you can click on. To access the many stuff in this site, scroll down a little bit which is right below latest additions and you'll see this. If you do not have Chinese softwares, you'll see weird signs but it doesn't matter. Just follow the directions as follows but please, don't click on these links as it won't work, go to the site first. The important stuff are in BOLD green colours...

To Upload Photos】【irrelevant·PROFILE·PHOTOS·WALLPAPERS·FILMOGRAPHY·irrelevant 

Once you click on any individual pictures, a new window will open with the original sized picture in it. EASY!

For your info, all sites with Sina works the same way. Always scroll to the second panel, right below Latest Additions and you'll see the same links as listed above. These passwords can be used for anything within Sina. Any problems, E-Mail me.

# Yue Ling's Homepage : Not much on this series but still worth a visit.  I know it's a Chinese site but if you really do not know your way around, follow the steps below. Just note that all pictures are in the NEWS section.

1. Look at the top frame. Click the second Chinese title, count from the left.
2. Two pages will open, which is the left frame and the right frame, one with years and another with all the relevant news links. Click on Year 2001 on the left, and the lower top frame will open with the listing of the months. Choose any month and you'll find all the news and pictures. Remember to hover the mouse near the pictures, because 90% of them are thumbnails to  an even bigger picture. Very organised site.

# Yue Ling Angel Homepage : Lots of promotional pictures and screen captures of this series. I am giving you a direct link to the pictures of many series. English. Just look for Yang Heroine - Legendary Fighter

# Yang Heroines' Discussion Forum  : Can't wait to know what happens in the next episode? Try this forum created by someone else, not me. The link is on the menu on the left under Message Board. 


  Copyright (c) Oct 2001 Funn Lim. All Rights Reserved.
Added on 26-Oct-2001